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138 items found for "Excerpts from The Found Journals of the Angel in Black"

  • twenty and some change

    Image ID: Black text on a white background in the style of typewriter print.

  • ⋆。°✩ Stars ⋆。°✩

    It was so close I could feel the heat radiating from it. All I could do was gaze at the night sky and the star that had formed. “What’s wrong?” I tried to, should’ve-” His sobs got louder upon seeing my blank stare. “What happened?” My fingers suddenly felt numb and his sobs were drowned out by the crackling sound of the flames that

  • two pieces

    overwhelming urge to move away, but the problem is that i don’t know where to, and i don’t know where from good parts of my life with me the fourth dimension is lonely the mechanisms of my world exist only in black which way, on the spectrum of calmness and chaos i have with oiled wheels and a rocket strapped to my back balance so badly that i will sacrifice my skin, sacrifice my eyes, all of my organs, my heart take a bite from

  • TV Guide

    Image ID: A collaged image against a black background.

  • Most of the Time

    Image ID: A quilted banner with black text and screen printed notebook paper patterns reads "Most of

  • The Orbiter

    Your motoric functions begin to come back online. Your eyes drawing in the crust take in the blackness of the interior. Tiny traces of warm light are seen poking out from the vast dull green of the metal hull displaying at The cold metal does nothing but drive you back into Morpheus’s garden, but you know, no matter how long The Orbiter continues its barrage of motion and sound.

  • the spaceship dreams, too

    Chills ran up his back from the breeze. Whether they were tense and slow from the cold or overuse, he couldn’t tell. Harsh metallic footfalls come from all directions. He can’t move, surrounded by a thickened prison forever a second away from pooling down his throat and A neglected cup of coffee sat to the right of the console, dark black inky sludge.

  • Apple Slices

    In nervousness, I shift my legs, slowly peeling them away from the laminate where they’ve stuck from During the week, in my lunch, would be the slices of half an apple, the other half to be found in my before college away from my family. But because the relationship was founded on my “girl” camp self, there were fundamental things she did After being in a lesbian relationship for so long (two years which feels like forever at nineteen), I found

  • Brick and mortar

    wonder about your shoes Did you save for them Bit a fingernail, clicked purchase Were they a present from your mom Practical, wink wink Sticks lying on your back And burning on your skin like pins all the way the third floor I can feel it through every beam and all the tributaries That flow with capillaries Round growing intensity and spilling out Oh to be in it Oh to not linger on the cusp I think I’m eyeing you from A bit of attention from an otherwise indifferent source?

  • My Grief, My Transgression

    Sometimes grief looks like a vase¹ of flowers² from your well-intentioned friend when your grandfather You feel guilty for the lack of grief you feel, so you layer in sweater and coat and earmuffs and you Lying awake in bed, not even a foot from your roommate wasn’t the right time either. the shower curtain, wondering about souls and God and how tied to destiny the time between each drop from Those shiny black shoes always pinched your toes. ¹A repurposed liter of Pepsi. ²Stolen from Jewel Osco

  • The Last House Left

    “Give it one more day,” she grunted from the kitchen window. “And it will all be gone.” Every textile found its way to the attic, where Mrs. Once at the attic, they found they could hardly go in. The bolts of tweed and wool and cotton were packed from ceiling to floor. Adler, breathing heavily from the walk up. “Is stitch this patch. To the sky.

  • I Watch the Waves of Women Around Me

    I began to peel her story back in layers, dissecting her choices from a refreshed perspective. My mother’s fear stems from the same place as Llorona. A trust fund. Someone else entirely. Llorona found protection through escape, transporting children to another realm out of necessity. We hold onto our pain and craft power from its edges.

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