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138 items found for "Excerpts from The Found Journals of the Angel in Black"

  • Menacing Earthworks

    The field was a fairy ring closed in from the roaming dogs by towering petals made of worn stone the On either side of her hips, blossoming from the earth; like milk teeth, morning wood, blisters, rising things racing about, collecting the mushrooms’ offerings on the fine down covering their gloriously round She awoke under her stone awning to her heart pounding from her ears to her cracked fingertips. They were resplendent now in found treasures, their eyes echoed in a ring of empty sockets so they would

  • Pareidolia

    Image ID: A grid of circular images on a dull yellow background, identical except for a small dot that Each circular image has a word below it in black text, describing the image’s identified name.

  • Citrine

    Cherry colored sin devours the last of their juvenile vex; the apathy melts around their angel-jaded

  • Marina City

    Upon its completion in 1968, life inside its walls began to take on new forms, rewriting a genetic story they would probably have a different answer depending on the individual, and mention that yellow and black To those watching that first flight from below, it looked like a suicide before it looked like a miracle Despite the spacious apartments and condos found within the tower, the residents spend most of their

  • Welcome to the World of Blue

    Image One: Black text on white/black background surrounds four panels. man wears a fur-lined sleeveless jacket and a fedora, the middle man wears a large leather coat and blocks

  • Unidentified Woman

    Image ID: "Unidentified Woman" is a poem based on a photograph from the Lorraine Hurdle papers. In the front of the photo, on the first bleacher, a Black woman sits, holding a baseball in one hand, On the second bleacher, two women sit a few feet apart from each other. The Black woman on the left is Lorraine Hurdle. On the third row of bleachers, two women sit, facing away from the camera, looking at something to the

  • What We Leave Behind

    Kei passes me a ladle from the pot closest to them. “Taste this. Of the words MISSING WOMAN FOUND on the TV screen once when I was ten, followed by low-quality civilian I straighten, eyes locked on the figure slowly rising from behind one of the bins. Dad found her wandering the alley one night while on his way to take out the garbage. The cigarette falls from his mouth as Kei comes outside, a shotgun in their hands.


    Transcript: Text in order from top to bottom, left to right. Just asking” Black woman in pink dress with mouth covered: CENSORED White woman in gold dress: Left chat bubble reads “blocked” Right chat bubble reads “NO ROOM FOR WEAKNESS” Young renaissance girl: Right

  • Stain

    I turned my attention away from the TV to look at him. Casper continued to stare at the random time travel show we found as if his question was an afterthought The window screens were torn from hail and rose thorns. My toes curl at the memory of cold grass, soft from how often it was walked over, brushing the soles , and gifts from my friends, couldn’t escape this fate of white walls.

  • meat

    scratch at the skin with fists clenched in holy repentance edges of the holiness creep into the black brittleness of the gap in the front made from too many teeth black like the space inbetween we wander across the tile floor you spill as i sink into your spine and tear it out shake your ribs loose and sing from knife falls shearing the edge of the bone the ribs plucked like strings sing a tune of gods fury out from mine the butcher knife falls leaking ripe fruit we suck at the fruit of life the blood of life drips from

  • Queer Messiah

    If you wish, we’ll open our doors to them, we’ll be their own salvation: Gomorrah giving goodness from But, if they come, corruption from us to their void hearts, fill their generations with love, allness Our ark disembarks at the found, at the made, wanders over, and suddenly New World Order is peace and

  • Creating Space

    She told me that she found out how babies are made. Or maybe the linger of a grasp that I was pulled away from. How did I go from being a little boy to someone who must ask for permission to exist?

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