A soul can get stuck walking up and down the stairs of an old house. Sometimes you will feel like you are squeezing past someone who is not there.
A soul might get stuck in the car radio, nailing up its eternal hammock between NPR and the classical music station.
A soul gets stuck between your teeth every time you eat cabbage and kielbasa.
A soul is the heat wrapped around the wheels of a red wagon racing down a hill.
What we often mistake as the murmuring clouds of cataracts is actually a soul stuck in the blind eyes of an old dog.
A soul can get stuck in the mouth-shaped hollow of a tree.
A soul might get caught in the drain of a clawfoot bathtub.
A soul can become the color of a too dark lipstick at the bottom of your purse.
A soul can be the feeling of your body in the ocean as you are falling asleep after a day at Virginia Beach, or the sound of the ocean bouncing in the fleshy, pink insides of a conch shell.
The smoothness from many hands touching the same spot on a brass statue is also a caught soul.
A soul can be an accidental fingerprint visible on the scotch tape hanging a photo to the wall.
A soul can get trapped in the voice of your mother as you half-sleep in the backseat