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99 Writing Prompts

Diamond Woods

1. “I confused today with last week. Who did we lose?”

2. Write about your fist fight with God. Who will win?

3. Write an article from the perspective of a Northwestern journalism

graduate who is stuck writing for the National Inquirer to pay off student loan debt.

4. Write a recipe for the meal you would serve Anthony Bourdain.

5. Add a scene to the last film you watched.

6. You could save one book from the Library of Alexandria, real or made up

by you. What would it be and why?

7. Write an Instagram poem.

8. Write about the last person you made eye contact with.

9. Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande never broke up. How did this change

the course of history?

10. “That was so mean! You are so mean!”

11. Create an atmosphere that feels like this: Smoky, hazy, foggy. Fairies are


12. Write a list poem.

13. Suddenly, you see invisible monsters. They all look like you.

14. You fake your death. How would you cover your trail?

15. Write a poem that utilizes spacing.

16. Headcanon: You’re Mandy Moore in the 2004 teen movie “Saved!” but

you secretly long to convert to Judaism.

17. Recount your worst nightmare.

18. Describe your favorite letter.

19. Include these words or topics, either directly or indirectly: faith,

hammock collards, sad clowns, and rain water soup.

20. Include: salmon, honesty, yellow teeth, ginger ale, and Elnett hairspray.

21. Include: water bottle, sadness, fire pits, and box braids.

22. Include: loneliness, “Evil bitch,” “Low-down, no good liar,” and fuchsia

pink lipstick.

23. Include: death breath, golf ball hail, gold teeth, and well-behaved


24. Include: fire hands, fire breath, mouthwash, and chili peppers.

25. Include: burned books, chili pepper eyes, ghosts in alleyways, and bed room eyes.

26. Include: drinking water after chewing Winterfresh, slushies, hostility, and glee.

27. Include: old woman chewing gum, sleepy eyes, dead fish, and


28. Include: daughter wrapping scarf around her father, barrettes, toffee, and sprites.

29. Include: clove cigarettes, cilantro, and a clementine.

30. “Roll the dice you dumb motherfucker.”

31. Summarize last years’ news.

32. Don’t write. Go to sleep instead.

33. Write about what you dream.

34. “Wear your dreams inside out.” “Like skin?!”

35. Write about what it tastes like underneath your nails.

36. Write with paint.

37. Try to describe the pain a child feels while getting a shot.

38. Describe the way a muffin is chewed.

39. God says, “Let’s meet tonight under the sycamore tree”

40. “Kiss me under the aching twilight. Kiss me under the green green grass.”

41. Write about your favorite cheesy 90s love song.

42. Prove that God is a woman.

43. Write about how to get over a break up with someone you have never dated.

44. Give dating advice to someone you barely know.

45. Get angry at your friend for cancelling plans.

46. Remember?

47. Yes? No? Remember?

48. Have you forgotten? Don’t forget! Write it down now!

49. Write stream of conscious. Do not revise. Send out for publication.

50. “Hello God, it’s me again…”

51. And so the lion fell in love with the lamb. But was she the lamb?

52. Revisit a topic confronted in Twilight in honor of its ten year anniversary.

(Mormon propaganda, virginity, stalking, pixie cuts, etc., etc.)

53. What are questions you would ask Stephanie Meyers? It cannot simply be “Why”?

54. Does your wrist hurt? Write about the pain. What causes you pain? Have

you felt it so much that now it’s just like water?

55. How do you sleep?

56. Write from the perspective of Jesse McCartney in 2005.

57. “Family Matters” AU: Steve learns his worth and stops chasing after

Laura. Write from either of their perspectives once he rejects her.

58. Your main character has to take care of their parents’ pet bear for the

weekend. The main character does not know why their parents have this

bear or where it came from. But it really likes fried catfish and whiskey.

Write a short story about their time together.

59. Write about the last thing that made you cry.

60. If you have not cried in a long time, write about the spring sunshine on

your face because you have dealt with enough.

61. Consider the features of all your celebrity crushes. What makes you want


62. Skeeter Davis’ “The End of the World” plays on your main characters’

radio. They stand in front of an open window. What do they see?

63. Write a poem for Dionysius the Greek God of ritual madness, religious

ecstasy, fertility, wine, and theatre.

64. Write a poem for Apollo the Greek God of knowledge, healing, sun,

poetry and music.

65. Rewrite a passage from Twilight but it’s 2018 and everyone’s rightfully queer.

66. Write a fanfic scenario with Y/N and Zach Baggins of Ghost Adventures

fame. (Please understand that Y/N is actually the author of these


67. Don’t think too much about it. It is only the Mona Lisa.

68. You have eaten about 800 calories worth of cherry sours. You have a bad

cough and feel very lonely. Write about how your thumb is stained red.

69. Instead of writing, learn another language.

70. Describe your morning routine.

71. “In the morning, he wakes up to the sound of his throat singing.”

72. Describe your nighttime routine.

73. “Every night, remember that you rent your hands.”

74. “Promise me one meal?”

75. Instead of writing, upload a ten minute makeup tutorial to YouTube.

76. This is no joke. This is real. Write a page of knock knock jokes.

77. My Chemical Romance is getting back together. Describe how you feel.

78. If you did not like My Chemical Romance, why?

79. If you did not go through an emo phase, what was it like to be

conventionally attractive in middle school?

80. Describe the person you wish you had seen.

81. Describe the place you can never find.

82. Write a poem for Angela Basset. Mail it to her.

83. Are you tired of reading this? Lean into that anger. Write a poem about

fighting me.

84. Before writing that poem understand this: I will win. I am the Supreme.

Remember to include three couplets. No more, no less.

85. Describe what ghosts look like. Does it change depending on when or

how they died?

86. Do you want to become a ghost? Who and how will you haunt?

87. “I didn’t take anything out of the tithes bucket. If I did it was only a

quarter and it is only for bubblegum. Okay! I took a dollar but I’m going

to sell it for two more!”

88. Is this enough for you? Is too much ever enough?

89. If you were God for a day what would you do?

90. Write 3,500 word academic response: Will One Direction ever make a


91. In 3,500 words: Will the return of BIGBANG in 2020 affect success of BTS?

92. In 3,500 words: Can a blonde wig hide one’s identity?

93. In 3,500 words: What qualifies as a prank? When are you the joke and

when is it not funny anymore?

94. Recall a time you cried for your friend’s uncle.

95. I worry about you. When did you stop crying and start biting your tongue


96. Write a sonnet without fourteen lines, iambic pentameter, rhyme, and a volta.

97. Imagine: Harry Styles takes you on a Gucci shopping spree. Your cousin

never moved back home and you could still pretend to be in the top five

favorite grandchildren. An earwig crawls in your brain while you’re sleeping.

98. i fear that i have lost you! lost you? lost me somewhere between poesy

and latin textbooks. i can find myself somewhere in silent nights and an

owl’s hello. does this feel like me? i am trying to be less constrained to

the page but isn’t that who i am? one of those gin and tea drinking poets

willing to still smoke a clove cigarette at a speakeasy so i look like a poet.

i have asthma and that could kill me. but i’m wilde. and this prada bag is

prada and that makes me enough sometimes until someone

realizes that it’s fake and then i’m nothing again. did i tell you i speak

only when spoken to? poet-girl, tired in class and trying to make like

maya. how long do i mourn the loss of her? until the next poem comes to

me or when i marry rich to sustain my habit of writing and buying

although neither mean all that much to me anymore. i have tricked so

many people into thinking i actually have a brain and a personality. what

happens when i get found out? Write a closing statement or a continued

response to the previous text. Pass it on to another writer.

99. I have nothing more to say. What would your last words be if you were in

the electric chair? Is there anyone you would want to hear you?

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